Lisa is seeking representation as an author-illustrator of children's books.
When I was a young girl, I loved to draw houses. My drawings and poems were pasted onto the family Christmas cards every year. Many people encouraged me to be an artist while growing up, so being creative is very important to me and I still love to draw houses!
After earning a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design where I majored in Printmaking, I worked as a scenic artist painting murals and sets for a local theater. I married a man who loved to build houses and while raising three boys, I discovered the picture book as an art form.
Years later, after writing my father's eulogy, I realized I could make people laugh and cry with my words. While reading classic picture books to my boys and discovering new titles as an educator, I began my writing and illustrating journey to create Picture Books.
With my formal art background and joy for writing, I create emotional connections in my stories featuring relatable characters and themes of humor and heart. My Illustrations have cozy familiar color palettes using varied textures and lines made with traditional and digital techniques.
As a House Portrait Artist, my custom-made ornaments and watercolors are displayed in homes all over the country, in Canada, and Australia! I have taught after-school art programs for children and chaired local cultural events and fundraisers. I make my home in Massachusetts and enjoy hosting family gatherings and looking for beach treasures along New England's seashores.
Featured on the Rising Stars in Kidlit Blog by author Amanda Davis
Finalist in Justin Colon's #PBChat MentorshipTwitter Event
Honorable Mention Susanna Leonard Hill's Holiday Contest 2018
Member of Julie Hedlund's 12x12 Challenge since 2018
Member of Arree Chung's Storyteller Academy since 2017
Volunteer at Boston Writer's Day Workshops 2019
Big Sur Cape Cod Writing Workshop in 2017, 2019
Member of SCBWI since 2015
Illustrations featured on www.Kidlit411.com
Illustrated All For The Kid's Yoga For Children
SCBWI Critique group member since 2015
Past Member of Courage to Create with Bethany Hegedus
An educator for pre-K - second grade since 2008
Lisa's proudest achievement is
her family.
She is seeking representation to
join her on her creative journey
as an author-illustrator.